Introduction to Sociolinguistic

Assalammu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Hello good readers wherever you are, I hope you are in good condition. Amin Allahuma Amin.
            I would share my conclusion that I got some days ago. They were about Introduction to Sociolingustic that presented by first group.
            So, how can I deliver my conclusion? First, I will show the questions from another group and the answers from first group. After that, I will show my conclusion. To make it clear, please read to bottom.

Siti Rafiah
Why are the dialeg and accent including in Sociolingustic?
Sociolingustic is the different relationship between language and social. The purpose is cheking the person that use language in different social context.
Because cheking the person that use language in different social context.
Hotdiana Pasaribu
What is the example of Sociolinguistic and Sociology of language?
Sociology of language is effect by using language.
Sociolinguistic is social language that use in daily life.
Sociology is responses and Sociolinguistic it depend on place.
Febti Mahani Batubara
What is the different between accent and dialect?
(I don’t get the point)
Dialect is a variety of language differing in vocabulary and grammar as well as pronunciation. Dialects are usually spoken by a group united by geography or class.
Accent When a standard language and pronunciation are defined by a group, an accent may be any pronunciation that deviates from that standard.
