Fly Over

            Pekanbaru as the central government in Riau Province. It is also one of big city in our country that has Fly Over. Fly Over is used to reduce traffic jam as a result of there are many passing vehicles. Because of that, Fly Over is made at the point of intersection traffic jam on city. There is discourse for riders that can not use the Fly Over. The reason is to reduce accident on it. The pros and cons of the prohibition are increasing in society.

            The cons opinion of society said Fly Over is public facilities and anyone can use it. Every bulding has good plan before it is built. Fly Over is built with consider aspect such as security, safety and confort. But that is not logical if the new discourse appear now.

            Nevertheless, there is reason why the riders can not use the Fly Over. In the security, safety and confort aspect are from drivers and riders. The competence drivers has driver’s license. We can imagine it, if one of them is not comply with the standard, the risk of accident will emerge.

            So, we can conclude from both of the reasons, the accident can happen anywhere, just how the rider to be orderly traffic discipline in driving.
